Artist statement
Nature’s rhythms and patterns are all around us. Exploring the connections within the natural world and between humankind and nature is central to my artistic practice. How does humankind see itself in relation to nature – as part of nature or as separate, perhaps even superior to nature? Having worked in the environmental field for over 30 years, this question frequently occupies my thoughts. My familiarity with scientific language translates into a preference for an abstract expressionist language, reflecting the notion that in nature there is mystery and unknown – much that cannot be explained purely on scientific grounds. Water is a key theme in my work. Our bodies are made up of mostly water – an absolute manifestation of our connection to nature.
As my preference is to engage with nature on an experiential level, I constantly seek ways to directly interact with nature in my art making. Rain, dew and mist become not only sources of inspiration but also a means of creating imagery on the surface on which I am working. Natural materials from the forest where I live may become part of an artwork or a tool for applying paint to the surface on which I am working.